For Right-Brained People
Wild music on a scenic river
Steve Poltz brings his spontaneity, wit, and authenticity to the Rogue.
For the past 20 years, Steve Poltz has been creating original folk songs and delivering distinctive live performances around the country, earning him the honor of bringing his music to the Wild and Scenic Rogue River. By day, we’ll enjoy the Rogue’s amazing cornucopia of one-of-a-kind features (hiking, swimming, exploring, jumping, floating, etc.) and by evening, we’ll enjoy Steve’s equally cornucopic array of one-of-a-kind songs, stories, and ramblings.
No two river trips are alike, but this one will be different.
This trip is in partnership with our friends from the Sisters Folk Festival.
Going Rogue
with Steve Poltz
Rogue River
5 days, July 19 – 23, 2021
$1500 per person