In her own words: I was born in the riparian zone, and was only able to eat salmon I caught with my bare hands from the age of six. I learned to row big, heavy boats and set up camp by myself in support of my parents’ wild kayaking adventures. There were times I tried to leave the river, but having never fought a bull, my dreams of becoming a professional toreador became less and less realistic. So I switched focus to my backup plan of becoming a river guide. If one were to ask, I’d tell them I have great social skills, however, my fellow guides have informed me that social skills among squirrels and other woodland creatures don’t count. In lieu of this I set out on a personal betterment mission: fearlessly invading the most rigorous of social training platforms… UNIVERSITY. This mission, though important, runs congruent with my other missions… such as swimming with the orcas of the north, running wild with the dogs of the south, waking to the glowing sunshine of the east, and collapsing in exhaustion to the sunsets of the west. These missions, like the changing seasons, must happen… ergo I partake in school at University of Puget Sound every other semester. While I am in school I delve into the inner workings of government and politics to eventually infiltrate the system and let anarchy reign.
In our own words: The twinkle in her eye lets us know that the bullfighting thing is totally bogus.